Tuesday 14 September 2010

Shutter Island, and Leo

Whatever did happen to patient 67? This film along with Inception opened up my eyes to Leonardo DiCaprio, after years as seeing him just as a boy, and not the man he should of been. I'll give him credit he got the attention of women, but i always seen him as a teenage heart-throb, and I believe he's upped his game in these two films. It's quite ironic actually to ask who is patient 67 because Leo himself has developed as an actor, and this 67th patient, forgetting the film here, could be linked to the grown up man he should be. Personnally, Shutter Island for me was quite astonishing. The twist at the end was quite interesting, and having watched it a few times now, it seems so stupid that we wouldn't realise he's himself crazy. The clues were there. Leo delivers an excelllent performance, and I could see the emotion in his face as he carried his children out of the lake. I think as an actor that'd probably be the hardest kind of emotion to play, and i really was convinced. Heard good things about Revolutionary Road, and i hope to see it soon. 

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