Monday, 10 January 2011

We're at War

We've got a black hawk down marines. Frag out.  War films these days are on the increase and it's important that they are still around because the younger audiences are informed of the horror and destruction which blown the globe away. The realism of this contemporary issue needs to be stressed and with so many portrayals of the world wars, we'll never need a history lesson to be in the trenches. War films are sometimes fictional but still they show or convey mark in history. War films tend to tell tragic tails of events that have happened in wars and often help to explain racial hatred and discrimination. War films generally focus on the Vietnam war, Pearl Harbour, the Falklands and both the world wars, including events such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There has been many depictions of Hitler and his regime over the years. Two totally films in terms of style, Inglorious Basterds and Schindler's List, both successfully help to show what a catastrophe Hitler was and remain popular among cinema-goers.

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